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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

OutRun Classic Video Game Cabinet becomes a drivable car

Pretty Darn Cool and I Want One Now!!!:) Check out the Videos...


OutRun: Augmented Reality Driving Video Game

Video Link...

The Original Game...

(Sega Genesis) Race Drivin', Super Stunt Track, Championship

Video Link...

Ya, I remembered it Wayyyy Cooler than that too!:O


OutRun - Garnet Hertz

Last updated: 09 January 2011


Garnet Hertz's video game concept car combines a car-shaped arcade game cabinet with a real world electric vehicle to produce a video game system that actually drives. OutRun offers a unique mixed reality simulation as one physically drives through an 8-bit video game. The windshield of the system features custom software that transforms the real world into an 8-bit video game, enabling the user to have limitless gameplay opportunities while driving. Hertz has designed OutRun to de-simulate the driving component of a video game: where game simulations strive to be increasingly realistic (usually focused on graphics), this system pursues "real" driving through the game. Additionally, playing off the game-like experience one can have driving with an automobile navigation system, OutRun explores the consequences of using only a computer model of the world as a navigation tool for driving.

Skipping on down...

Project Description

The OutRun project is a game and media art project that explores the overlap between the physical world and game environments. OutRun explores the act of driving a vehicle and the interstitial space between everyday life (driving an automobile) and a simulation of it (playing a driving video game) by combining the real world and OutRun, an 8-bit arcade driving game released by Sega in 1986. This project features two main components:
  1. Cabinet-Car: A car-shaped sit-down arcade cabinet from Sega's OutRun is converted into a small car that can actually drive. This is done by modifying an existing fiberglass and wood cabinet to include motors, wheels and drivetrain components from an electric golf cart. This customized cabinet-car uses the existing videogame controls (steering wheel, acceleration pedal, brake pedal) to control the vehicle to a maximum speed of 20 kilometers (13 miles) per hour. See Figure 1 for a mockup diagram of the completed cabinet-car.
  2. Custom Augmented Reality Software: The screen, which is positioned in front of the driver, renders the real world in the style of the 1986 video game OutRun by Sega. This is done through custom-built software to display a street-level view rendered in the style of the vintage video game. In other words, the driver only sees an 8-bit-style game rendered in their "windshield," which appears as if they are playing the 1986 videogame. Accelerating or turning the car-cabinet in the real world will proportionally change the display. Although the screen will mimic the real world around it, it is expected that the augmented display and the real world will not match perfectly.

Project Motivation


OutRun Classic Video Game Cabinet becomes a drivable car
Classic game cabinet becomes a drivable car - Hack a Day
‪(Sega Genesis) Race Drivin', Super Stunt Track, Championship‬‏ - YouTube
Reassembler - Emulation & Decompilation: OutRun Controller Project
Reassembler - Emulation & Decompilation: Road Layer and Slave CPU Code Converted
OutRun - Garnet Hertz
‪OutRun: Augmented Reality Driving Video Game‬‏ - YouTube

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