That’s a fully updated installation of Linux Mint Debian, after a cold boot and with nothing else running. No special tricks or shortcuts. Clean and default.
Amazing. This puts it within striking range of Pentium III machines, in terms of memory. Or at least machines with 128 or maybe 192Mb, like this one did. I almost wish I still had that computer, just so I could try it out.
True, you can get smaller desktops with very sparse installations, in other distros as well. But this comes with all the bells and whistles, from the word go.
If you haven’t played with Mint’s version of Debian yet, you really owe it to yourself to give it at least one short attempt. And if you’ve got a Pentium III lying around with about 128Mb in it, tell me how it works. How, not if.
Go there...
That's Great!:) Gnome is my favorite Desktop and I have Debian Mint already burned to a DVD. I've tried it out on my P4 with 1Gig of Memory and it runs great. Except it does lag a bit when watching Online Video. But I think that is because of the slower read speed of the older HP DVD Drive. I also have a 1.8Ghz Core 2 with 1GB of Ram. And all CD - DVD Live OS's run faster on it. I can watch Videos Online for 6 to 8 hours without any noticeable slow down of which ever Live Linux OS I'm running or the Videos I'm Watching. None other than what I usually get when running from the HD Installs, that is. It has a newer faster reading DVD Drive. It is not really noticeably faster though, running Debian or Fedora 12 and 13 from my HD installs. I have a 13mbps Web Connection and it does well with 4 or 5 Computers Online at the Same Time. I mostly use Firefox for my Surfing, but I do use Google Chrome sometimes. Chrome does seem to load Videos faster, but I see little difference in the actual Playing of the Videos between Chrome and Firefox. Firefox had become very slow at loading Web Sites with Flash in the last year though. I run AdBlock Plus Addon in Firefox and I love how it Blocks all of the Crap. But sometimes I wonder if it is actually slowing down my page loads, making Firefox wait to check their server for Adds before the Page finished loading. I hate all that Flashing Stuff on my Screen, so I keep using AdBlock though. I have a couple of P3s too and will try Debian Mint in them too...
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