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Monday, January 26, 2009

Hands free point of view camera - Hack a Day

Hey jeff, you should try this at your next Shoot:)

Hands free point of view camera
posted Jan 24th 2009 7:30pm by Eliot Phillips
filed under: digital cameras hacks, handhelds hacks


Here's an odd little footnote we found while perusing the Comic Tools
blog. [Matt Bernier]'s blog is dedicated to drawing and inking tutorials
for comic artists. He uses a lot of example photographs that involve
both hands. This week, at the bottom of his post on cleaning brushes, he
included a photo to illustrate how he takes all of these point of view
shots. The camera is strapped securely to his head using an old lanyard.
He can see the display and access the controls on the back. After
composing his shot, he just sets the timer, and you get a picture of
what the process looks like from his perspective. Sure, it looks silly
from this angle, but it really helps out the posts.

Go there...


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