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Saturday, January 17, 2009

HowStuffWorks "Which animals kill the most people in the wild?"

Which animals kill the most people in the wild?

by Debra Ronca

Ronca, Debra. "Which animals kill the most people in the wild?." 15
December 2008.
17 January 2009.

Which is your greatest enemy -- this poison dart frog or the crocodile
it's perched on? See more pictures of amphibians.

As­k your friends which anima­ls they fear most and you'll probably get
a myriad of answers -- sharks, snakes, bears, spiders, bees. Take your
pick. Sharp teeth, deadly claws, venom, and sheer size and speed make us
view many creatures as a menace.

But are the animals we perceive as fearful really the most treacherous?
Not always -- sometimes danger lurks in strange packages. Take, for
example, the poison dart frog. Found mostly in tropical forests, this
little amphibian actually oozes poison from its bac­k. The toxin from
one frog could kill 10 humans.



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