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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Linux Today - RIP OpenSolaris

RIP OpenSolaris
Jul 17, 2010, 11 :05 UTC (1 Talkback[s]) (2889 reads)

(Other stories by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols)

[ Thanks to Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols for this link. ]

"Good-bye OpenSolaris. It's been fun knowing you. Unfortunately for you, it's become all too clear that your new parent company, Oracle doesn't want a thing to do with you.

"I predicted that Oracle, which is a Linux company, was going to let OpenSolaris die off by neglect, but most people disagreed with me. Folks insisted to me that Solaris was better than Linux and that Oracle would never let OpenSolaris die.

"Sorry folks, I may not be right a lot of the time, but I was right on this one. By April of this year, the OpenSolaris Governing Board had seen the handwriting on the wall. Or, to be more exact, they saw that Oracle wasn't even giving them the time of day."

Complete Story

Skipping on down...
OpenSolaris' future was bleak even if Oracle had cared to support it. Without Oracle, the question for the OpenSolaris community now is where they will go next. I fear it will drop from being a niche operating system to first being an operating system just for hobbyists and then to the computer graveyard with the likes of OS/2. That's a pity, since there really were great ideas in it and top-notch developers working on it. But, I see nothing else for it. Do you?


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