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Monday, July 5, 2010

Kickstarter project Stocky aims to revamp the way we see stock photography

Kickstarter project Stocky aims to revamp the way we see stock photography

Search Google for "stock photography" and you will get an endless list of results. There's no shortage of sites trying to make money off the work of stock photographers, and apparently no shortage to drab sites and blogs who seek out the stockiest images, despite the fact that it all looks like the same clip-art that was used in 1996. Finding truly good images usually requires a lengthy search through the annals of Flickr, DeviantArt, and other sites not actually meant to provide stock photos. Stocky aims to bridge the gap between quality content and traditional stock photography -- but right now it's only a project on Kickstarter.

The idea behind Stocky seems to be that all creative media can be exchanged freely and collaboratively in an open, engaging environment. Photography isn't alone in this; if the project ever comes to fruition, Stocky would also incorporate video, vectors, Photoshop brushes, audio samples, design templates, fonts, and just about anything else that an artist or designer could create and hope to share. So, if you're an avid user of the Share and Share Alike type of IP licensing, then you might be interested in a new service like this.



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