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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Clonezilla Disk Imaging and Cloning Software - How to use Clonezilla live

Here are the How To Pages, on using Clonezilla Live. I followed the links and found the info, I may need, for my next Disk backup operation. I tend to forget, the exact procedures, between my infrequent uses of Clonezilla. I usually run Clonezilla in the Linux Distro, Parted Magic. This is a fast and easy way to get Clonezilla and quite a few other Disk Partitioning and Backup Apps, up and going. And all in one Distro. Parted Magic was Free and Open Source, until 2013. The new versions on their site, are not free. But, I have used Parted Magic for several years, and really like it. The 2013 versions, still work for my needs... Or you can download and setup your own Clonezilla Live Boot Media, by following the How To info below...


What is Clonezilla?

Clonezilla is a partition and disk imaging/cloning program similar to True Image® or Norton Ghost®. It helps you to do system deployment, bare metal backup and recovery. Two types of Clonezilla are available, Clonezilla live and Clonezilla SE (server edition). Clonezilla live is suitable for single machine backup and restore. While Clonezilla SE is for massive deployment, it can clone many (40 plus!) computers simultaneously. Clonezilla saves and restores only used blocks in the hard disk. This increases the clone efficiency. With some high-end hardware in a 42-node cluster, a multicast restoring at rate 8 GB/min was reported.


  • Many File systems are supported: (1) ext2, ext3, ext4, reiserfs, reiser4, xfs, jfs, btrfs, f2fs and nilfs2 of GNU/Linux, (2) FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS of MS Windows, (3) HFS+ of Mac OS, (4) UFS of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD, (5) minix of Minix, and (6) VMFS3 and VMFS5 of VMWare ESX. Therefore you can clone GNU/Linux, MS windows, Intel-based Mac OS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Minix, VMWare ESX and Chrome OS/Chromium OS, no matter it's 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x86-64) OS. For these file systems, only used blocks in partition are saved and restored. For unsupported file system, sector-to-sector copy is done by dd in Clonezilla.
  • LVM2 (LVM version 1 is not) under GNU/Linux is supported.
  • Boot loader, including grub (version 1 and version 2) and syslinux, could be reinstalled.
  • Both MBR and GPT partition formats of hard drive are supported. Clonezilla live also can be booted on a BIOS or uEFI machine.
  • Unattended mode is supported. Almost all steps can be done via commands and options. You can also use a lot of boot parameters to customize your own imaging and cloning.
  • One image restoring to multiple local devices is supported.
  • Image could be encrypted. This is done with ecryptfs, a POSIX-compliant enterprise cryptographic stacked filesystem.
  • Multicast is supported in Clonezilla SE, which is suitable for massive clone. You can also remotely use it to save or restore a bunch of computers if PXE and Wake-on-LAN are supported in your clients.
  • The image file can be on local disk, ssh server, samba server, NFS server or WebDAV server.
  • AES-256 encryption could be used to secures data access, storage and transfer.
  • Based on Partclone (default), Partimage (optional), ntfsclone (optional), or dd to image or clone a partition. However, Clonezilla, containing some other programs, can save and restore not only partitions, but also a whole disk.
  • By using another free software drbl-winroll, which is also developed by us, the hostname, group, and SID of cloned MS windows machine can be automatically changed.

Minimum System Requirements for Clonezilla live:

  • X86 or x86-64 processor
  • 196 MB of system memory (RAM)
  • Boot device, e.g. CD/DVD Drive, USB port, PXE, or hard drive


  • The destination partition must be equal or larger than the source one.
  • Differential/incremental backup is not implemented yet.
  • Online imaging/cloning is not implemented yet. The partition to be imaged or cloned has to be unmounted.
  • Due to the image format limitation, the image can not be explored or mounted. You can _NOT_ recovery single file from the image. However, you still have workaround to make it, read this.
  • Recovery Clonezilla live with multiple CDs or DVDs is not implemented yet. Now all the files have to be in one CD or DVD if you choose to create the recovery iso file.


  • Clonezilla itself is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2. However, to run Clonezilla, a lot of free and open source software, e.g. the Linux kernel and a minimal GNU/Linux OS, are required.

Which Clonezilla Shall I Use ?

  • Clonezilla Live: Clonezilla live allows you to use CD/DVD or USB flash drive to boot and run clonezilla (Unicast only)
  • Clonezilla SE: Clonezilla SE is included in DRBL, therefore a DRBL server must first be set up in order to use Clonezilla to do massively cloning (unicast, broadcast and multicast are supported)

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How to use Clonezilla live ?

Once you have the bootable Clonezilla Live media, as created in the previous step, you can boot it in the machine you want to clone. Remember to use the Clonezilla live media, such as CD, USB flash drive, USB hard drive, hard drive or PXE to boot the machine. For example, if you have Clonezilla Live in USB flash drive, you have to boot it via USB device (Ex. USB-HDD or USB-ZIP). If necessary, you can set the first boot priority in the BIOS as USB-HDD or USB-ZIP so that it can boot Clonezilla Live from your USB flash drive.
  • You can refer to these step-by-step examples, which provide more details, e.g. how to save an image, to restore an image, to clone a disk, to restore an image to multiple disks, to create recovery CD, and more... //New for the latest stable Clonezilla live 2.3.2-22 with new features: webdav and encryption!//
  • For general introduction about using the Clonezilla live, please check this doc.
  • Some videos about using Clonezilla live.

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This doc generally describes how to use Clonezilla live.

Here is a screenshot of Clonezilla Live boot menu:

The first one is the default mode for Clonezilla Live. It will default to framebuffer mode with a resolution of 1024x768.

There are more modes which you can choose in the 2nd choice "Other modes of Clonezilla live", e.g. 800X600 or 640x480 one if you want, as shown here:

The choice, "Clonezilla live (To RAM. Boot media can be removed later), is the same function with the 1st one except when Clonezilla live booting finishes, all the necessary files are copied to memory. Therefore you can remove the boot media (CD or USB flash drive) then.
If you do not need Chinese or Japanese environment or if your computer experiences problems in the framebuffer mode, you can choose the one "Clonezilla Live (no framebuffer)" to clone in the English environment.
The choice, "Clonezilla live (failsafe mode)", is for something goes wrong when you are not be able to boot your machine, such as ACPI of your machine is not supported in the kernel.
If you want to boot local OS in your harddrive, you can choose the one "Local operating system in harddrive (if available)". This is an extra function in the boot media that has nothing to do with Clonezilla Live.
The choice, "FreeDOS", allows you to boot your machine into Free DOS. This is an extra function in the boot media that has nothing to do with Clonezilla Live.
The choice, "Memory test using Memtest86+," is for memory testing using Memtest86+. This is an extra function in the boot media that has nothing to do with Clonezilla Live.
The choice, "Network boot via etherboot" or "Network boot via gpxe" is used to perform a network boot via Etherboot or gPXE. If your computer does not have a PXE network, you can use this to do boot from a network. This is an extra function in the boot media that has nothing to do with Clonezilla Live.
  • After language and keymap are chosen, first you will be prompted to assign the image repository, which can be local disk, ssh server, nfs server, samba server (network neighborhood) or any file system you can mount as /home/partimag. Once the repository is ready, you can proceed to save or restore the image. Just follow the on-screen instructions. Two main screenshots about Clonezilla live:

    ///Note/// The image name of Clonezilla is actually a directory name. For example, if you give the image name as 2007-05-NOVISTA, all the info will be saved as in the directory /home/partimag/2007-05-NOVISTA/. Inside that directory, MBR, partition table and partition files will be stored. Therefore when you want to restore an image, remember to mount the /home/partimag as the right device or path. i.e. the directory 2007-05-NOVISTA must be in the clonezilla home directory (Ex. /home/partimag)

  • [Expert mode] If you want to MANUALLY mount clonezilla image home (/home/partimag), follow this:
    1. Run "sudo su -" to become root.
    2. You must prepare another writable device or space and mount it as /home/partimag (Note! If your boot media is writable, such as USB flash drive or you choose to use To RAM option, the existing /home/partimag is linked to /live_media/home/partimag, You have to remove that file and create a directory /home/partimag as a mount point by "rm -f /home/partimag; mkdir -p /home/partimag).
      Ex. If you want to use Clonezilla to save /dev/hda and put the image in /dev/hdb1, then you have to mount /dev/hdb1 as /home/partimag by "mount -t auto /dev/hdb1 /home/partimag". If the file system of /dev/hdb1 is ntfs, you have to use "ntfs-3g /dev/hdb1 /home/partimag" to mount it so that it's writable. Remember, sshfs and smbfs are also supported. For example, using sshfs, you can mount your remote ssh server:
      sshfs ACCOUNT@SSH_SERVER:/ABSOLUTE_PATH /home/partimag
      i.e. if you want to mount your ssh server with directory /work/pool, run it like this:
      sshfs root@ /home/partimag
      If you want to mount your samba server with directory /work/smb, run it like this:
      mount -t cifs -o user=your_user_name // /home/partimag
      If you want to mount your samba server with directory /work/smb, with username "administrator" and password "pass", run it like this:
      mount -t cifs -o user=administrator,password=pass // /home/partimag
      ///NOTE/// In the above command, do NOT use smbfs in Linux, use cifs, since cifs has better compatibility with MS windows file sharing. Clonezilla live will FAIL to save a correct image when you use smbfs!
    3. Run "clonezilla" to use Clonezilla, then follow the on-screen instructions.
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    Save disk image
    Description: Save 1st disk (sda) as an image on 2nd disk (sdb) (Step by step)
    1. Boot the machine via Clonezilla live
    2. The boot menu of Clonezilla live
    3. Here we choose 800x600 mode, after pressing Enter, you will see Debian Linux booting process
    4. Choose language
    5. Choose keyboard layout
    6. Choose "Start Clonezilla"
    7. Choose "device-image" option
    8. Choose "local_dev" option to assign sdb1 as the image home
    9. Select sdb1 as image repository, then choose "savedisk" option
    10. Input image name and select source disk
    11. Clonezilla is saving disk image (sda) to the partition of 2nd disk (sdb1)

    Restore disk image
    Description: Restore an image on 2nd disk (sdb) to 1st disk (sda) (Step by step)
    1. Boot the machine via Clonezilla live
    2. The boot menu of Clonezilla live
    3. Here we choose 800x600 mode, after pressing Enter, you will see Debian Linux booting process
    4. Choose language
    5. Choose keyboard layout
    6. Choose "Start Clonezilla"
    7. Choose "device-image" option
    8. Choose "local_dev" option to assign sdb1 as the image home
    9. Select sdb1 as image repository, then choose "restoredisk" option
    10. Select image name and target disk
    11. Clonezilla is restoring disk image on 2nd disk (sdb) to 1st disk (sda)
    Disk to disk clone
    Description: Clone small disk to larger disk (e.g. 8 GB to 20 GB) (Step by step)
    1. Prepare Clonezilla live
    2. Boot your Clonezilla live via USB
    3. Choose "ToRAM" option in the boot menu
    4. Choose language
    5. Choose keyboard layout
    6. Choose "Start Clonezilla"
    7. Choose "disk_to_local_disk"
    8. Choose source disk
    9. Choose target disk
    10. Start cloning
    11. Disk is cloned
    One image to multiple disks
    Description: Restore an image to multiple disks, e.g. massive production of live USB flash drives.
    1. Boot the machine via Clonezilla live
    2. The boot menu of Clonezilla live
    3. Here we choose 800x600 mode, after pressing Enter, you will see Debian Linux booting process
    4. Choose language
    5. Choose keyboard layout
    6. Choose "Start Clonezilla"
    7. Choose "device-image" option
    8. Choose "local_dev" option to assign sdb1 as the image home
    9. Select sdb1 as image repository, then choose "1-2-mdisks" option
    10. Select image name and destination disk
    11. Clonezilla is restoring disk image on 2nd disk (sdb) to 3rd, 4th, and 5th disks (sdc, sdd, sde)
    Create Recovery Clonezilla
    Description: Create a autorun recovery Clonezilla live CD or USB flash drive (Step by step)
    1. Boot the machine via Clonezilla live
    2. The boot menu of Clonezilla live
    3. Here we choose 800x600 mode, after pressing Enter, you will see Debian Linux booting process:
    4. Choose language
    5. Choose keyboard layout
    6. Choose "Start Clonezilla"
    7. Choose "device-image" option
    8. Choose "local_dev" option to assign sdb1 as the image home
    9. Select sdb1 as image repository, then choose "restoredisk" option
    10. Choose the image you want to include in the recovery CD or USB flash drive:
    Preseed options to do job after booting
    Description: Preseed some options to do restoring job after booting
    1. The scenario
    2. The options to be preseeded
    Started with sshd on and passwd assigned
    Description: Run unattended Clonezilla live via PXE or CD booting and the process can be remotely monitored
    1. A PXE config example for you to boot Clonezilla live via PXE, and ssh service is on, the password of account "user" is assigned
    2. A CD with configured boot parameters for you to boot Clonezilla live, and the ssh service is on, the password of account "user" is assigned
    Add extra driver
    Description: How to put your own binary driver in Clonezilla live without modifying /live/filesystem.squashfs
    1. How to put your own binary driver in Clonezilla live without modifying /live/filesystem.squashfs
    Customized script with PXE
    Description: Use customized script with a PXE version of Clonezilla live
    1. To put your customized script with a PXE version of Clonezilla live
    Screen session with PXE
    Description: Run unattended Clonezilla live via PXE booting and the process can be remotely monitored
    1. Run Clonezilla in screen session so you can access remotely to monitor the progress.
    Burn Clonezilla live CD
    Description: Create Clonezilla live CD by InfraRecorder
    1. Create Clonezilla live CD by InfraRecorder
    LinuxLive USB creator
    Description: Create Clonezilla live USB flash drive by LinuxLive USB creator
    1. Create Clonezilla live USB flash drive by LinuxLive USB creator
    Description: Misc doc
    1. The boot parameters for Clonezilla live

    Last modified: Wed Apr 6 0:37:04 MDT 2016.

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    Clonezilla Disk Imaging and Cloning Software...

    clonezilla - Google Search
    Clonezilla (OpenSource clone system)
    Clonezilla Live download
    Clonezilla Live on hard drive
    Clonezilla-live download
    Clonezilla-SysRescCD LiveCD
    GParted-Clonezilla -- LiveCD
    GParted-Clonezilla LiveCD
    Clonezilla live
    DonsDeals: Clonezilla How Too's
    DonsDeals: Clonezilla (I use this to make Partition Backups of my Systems)
    Clonezilla Live on USB
    Clonezilla live usage
    Clonezilla - Live Doc
    General Clonezilla live usage
    Videos about Clonezilla live usage

    Linux Distro - DRBL (Diskless Remote Boot in Linux) is free software open source solution to managing the deployment of the GNU Linux operating system across many clients
    Clonezilla - Sever Edition
    Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL) - Browse /drbl_stable at
    Diskless Remote Boot in Linux (DRBL) download |
    DonsDeals Blog: DRBL
    DRBL - About
    DRBL command
    DRBL Diskless Remote Boot to ISO file in Linux - Google Search
    DRBL - Downloads
    DRBL - Downloads
    DRBL - Downloads
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A - FAQ/Q&A for DRBL and Clonezilla
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A - How can I add a program in the main file system of Clonezilla live, i.e. in the file "filesystem.squashfs"?
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A - How can I put the kickstart file for netinstall GNU/Linux ?
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A - I have more than 1 network card on my DRBL client, how can I force the client to use the specific network card, i.e. with priority, to connect to DRBL server when booting in the initramfs?
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A - I knew the network card of my DRBL client is supported by the kernel, however it fails to load the module during PXE booting. What can I do?
    DRBL - FAQ/Q&A - There is an existing DHCP service in my environment, so it's impossible for me to use the dhcp service comes with DRBL server. Any solution ?
    DRBL installation
    DRBL - Installation
    Index of /drbl-core/src
    Linux Distro - Parted Magic
    news – Parted Magic
    adding_programs – Parted Magic
    downloads – Parted Magic
    parted magic - Google Search
    start – Parted Magic

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