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Monday, July 12, 2010

Update: Acrobatic quadcopters team up - Hack a Day

Update: Acrobatic quadcopters team up

posted Jul 12th 2010 2:00pm by Mike Szczys
filed under: robots hacks

We usually envision small wheeled robots when we thing about swamp robotics but these cooperative quadcopters make us think again. This is an extension of the same project that produced those impressive aerial acrobatics. It may not be as flashy, but watching groups of the four-rotored flyers grab onto and lift loads is quite impressive. There is also a shot of one dropping a 2×4 and immediately compensating for the loss of weight. We’re not certain, but it looks like team lifting doesn’t require the 20 high-speed camera rig that the acrobatics did. We’ve embedded the demonstration video after the break.

[Thanks Balbor]

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