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Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Make Smoke Come Out of Your Fingers

How to Make Smoke Come Out of Your Fingers

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit
Magically make it appear as if smoke is rising from your fingertips. This is a neat trick that might be handy for killing time when sitting at the bar, for a party, or even a play. Follow the steps to have smoke appearing to come from your very fingertips. Please note: This trick should only be attempted by adults and it should be done away from any flammable objects or coverings.


  1. Gather the materials. These are listed below. Have a bowl or jug of water on standby, just in case. Remove or roll up any clothing that is loose or dangling around the wrist, hand, and finger regions.
  2. Remove the striker from the side of the matchbox. Either cut it away, or gently tear it from the box.
  3. Fold the striker in half. Fold it hot dog style, and have the cardboard facing on the outside.
  4. Place the striker in an ashtray. Place it with the cardboard side facing upwards.
  5. Light the striker part. Use a lighter to start the fire.
    • Burn it for a little while.
  6. Push the burnt out striker part aside. The brown residue is left in the ashtray.
  7. Wipe the residue off the ashtray with a finger.
  8. Rub your fingers against each other. You should see the smoke appear, and it will look as if it is "coming out of your fingers". The effect will last a long while but you can add more residue if you wish to continue the trick for longer.
  9. Wash your fingers well. Remove all traces of the residue at the end of the trick, as the residue can be harmful (see "Warnings").


A video demonstration of how to make smoke come from your fingertips.


  • If you are doing this indoors, try to do it with the bathroom door closed so that your fire alarm doesn't go off. It is probably best done outdoors.
  • Don't worry, the black residue on the ashtray will come off.
  • You can also try burning the striker on a faucet or in the sink in the bathroom.


  • The residue from the striker contains red phosphorus, which must be washed off immediately after the trick is performed. Do not place your fingers in your mouth or anywhere on your face until you have thoroughly washed off the residue with soap and hot water.
  • Be extremely careful with fire. Remove all flammable objects from around the area and take care with loose clothing.

Things You'll Need

  • A striker from a matchbox (red, not black)
  • An ashtray
  • A lighter
  • Water on hand for dampening the flame if needed
  • Soap and water for cleaning

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Smoke Come Out of Your Fingers. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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