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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

HowStuffWorks Videos "Gibson Guitar Factory Videos"

The Gibson EDS-1275 is a doubleneck Gibson electric guitar introduced in 1963 and still in production. Popularized by both rock and jazz musicians such as Jimmy Page and John McLaughlin,[1] it was called "the coolest guitar in rock."[2]

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Learn how guitars get their shiny glaze at the Gibson Guitar Factory on Discovery Channel's "Some Assembly Required."

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Uploaded by on Aug 29, 2007
A all original 1974 gibson sg played thru an original 1971 fender twin reverb.




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No, that's not me Playing that Gibson:(

But, I have loved Guitars, since I was a kid. I grew up in the 60's - 70's and Loved Rock-n-Roll Music. And everything in between, from Les Paul to The Mama's and the Papas to Joni Mitchell, Carol King and Led Zeppelin, Hendrix to ZZ Top, The Who, just to name a few... One day, when I was about 11 years old. While tagging along on a Shopping Trip, with my MaMa (MaMaw - Grandma). I Spotted a Display with a Drum Set and a Guitar, hinging high up on a Pedestal Display in a Store where she Shopped. Just out of reach, for a kid. Thus, making it all the more appealing;) I knew nothing about Guitar Brands or Music, for that matte. I just knew that I had to have that Guitar! This was a Clothing Store, not even a Department Store with Toys and other stuff. Just Clothes. I think it was a Monnings Store. I have no idea, why they had musical instruments on display at that store. I guess, they were there, just for me;) I don't remember now, what it cost or exactly how long, it took me. But, I saved my allowance (ranging from 50cents to about $1 a week) until I had enough money to buy that Guitar!:) By the time I had the money, the Display was the only one that they had. I think, that they may have never had any more than the Display anyway. But, I wanted that Guitar and I got it!:) I remember my MaMa trying to talk me out of it. But, my mind was made up. It was a no name Guitar. But, it was actually made pretty well. the Neck was Straight, even years later. It was shaped allot like a Fender Stratocaster. But, I didn't know what a Strat was back then. I was about 12 years old, when I got that Guitar. Later on that year, my Mom was nice enough to get me an and Amp for my Birthday. And not long after that, she got me a Set of Kid Sized Drums for Christmas too!:) Wasn't my Mom Cool!:) I drove her crazy with that Guitar and Drum Set. "Turn it Down!" Was the only thing, that I remember her saying about my Playing. I never really learned to play. But, I had a friend who could play both Guitar and Drums. Together we would play songs like Wipe Out (I could play that on the Drums) and he could paly Crimson-n-Clover on the Guitar too:) My friend moved away to California after that. So, that was the end of our Band Dreams. And it took me until I was in my 30's. But, I discovered, even though, I never really got any good at playing the Guitar. I could Sing and write lyrics. I now have two Albums Online and they are available for Free Downloads, at If you want to check out the music. I kept that Guitar until my Kids grew up. They used it for a Toy and my Son once used it for a Drum!:O When he was bout three years old. Later on, I gave it to a girl I knew. Who was very talented. But had a hard time playing Guitars with the large necks that most of them have. Her hands are very small, even though she is an adult. That was about 20 years ago, and as far as I know, she still has that Guitar... Oh, and I did finally get an Epiphone E-Series Basher Guitar (a Gibson Clone). I love my little Red Guitar. Here's the info from my Order Form... The E-Series Basher guitar, gig bag, Studio 10 practice amp, an instructional video, electronic tuner, strap, and cord. Features: The Basher, Features a laminated alder/maple body, maple neck with Superslidehumbuckers, and chrome hardware. Studio 10 Amp: 10W, 8" Electar Lab speaker, three-band EQ, master volume and gain, boost control, and headphone jack. I think it's a greater starter guitar package and I got mine on Sale (about 10 years ago) for $169.99. It has a great smooth tone and with my V-Amp Efx Unit. I can Emulate quite a few Amps. From Clean Jazz Guitar to Hard Rock Metal. It really sounds best, hooked up to my Stereo, with 10inch Subs and the 8 other Speakers (Tweeters - Mids etc) that I have in my System. A pretty good alternative for those of us who lack the funds and or talent to justify buying a real Gibson. Anyway... though I don't own a Gibson. I have heard and Mixed many over my 12 plus years of Mixing Sound for Local Shows. I got to listen to many different Guitar - Amp Combos over the years and Gibson is one of my Favorites... A few years ago, I helped a friend - guitar player, build a Custom made Guitar, from Scratch. I used to be a Cabinet Maker, back in the 80's. So, I know how to work with wood. And he could draw and designed the body of his Custom Guitar. I really just, took him to the local Wholesale Wood Store and helped him pick out some Lumber for his Guitar and answered his questions on how to do the job. He chose Maple, for the looks of the grain. Boy was that Guitar Heavy!:O His design was larger than most Guitar Bodies. But, it had a great Sound and looked Great too!:) It was a truly original design. He liked to play "Shred" Style Guitar and loved Tube Amps. We, actually did some recording together. But, he moved away and we lost touch. I have another Strat Clone now. That a friend gave me. The Body, looks like, someone went at it with a Car Body Grinder and then Painted it Black. It's Hideous!:O But, one of these days, I plan on Sanding that thing down and Refinishing it. I bet there is some Nice Wood under there...


Gibson Guitars
Gibson EB-3 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gibson SG-Twin | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
gibson sg-twin - Google Search
Gibson EDS-1275 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HowStuffWorks Videos "Gibson Guitar Factory Videos"
Gibson Guitar: Electric, Acoustic and Bass Guitars, Baldwin Pianos
Gibson LesPaul REd - Flickr: Search
Gibson Les Paul | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Gibson Les Paul. One of the guitars to my son Stefano Coppari. Teacher of our School of Music "Opus 1" | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Gibson Custom: Don Felder 1959 Les Paul V.O.S. | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
1979 Gibson Les Paul Custom | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Les Paul Catalina | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

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