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Friday, August 13, 2010

How To Switch To WebKit in Konqueror Browser [KDE SC 4.5 / Kubuntu]

How To Switch To WebKit in Konqueror Browser [KDE SC 4.5 / Kubuntu]


With KDE Software Compilation 4.5, you can use WebKit in Konqueror instead of the default KHTML. There are several advantages of using WebKit over KHTML. Although WebKit started out as a fork of KTHML, it has gone ahead of KHTML. It is in fact much faster than with KHTML.

I have been trying to figure out how to set Konqueror to use WebKit by default since yesterday night. This morning KDE developer Aaron Seigo pointed out to me how I can do it.

So, here is how you too can make Konqueror use WebKit by default.

  • First of all, install kpart-webkit with the command

sudo apt-get install kpart-webkit

  • Then execute the command given below

keditfiletype text/html

  • Go to the tab Embedding and under Service Preference Order, click on WebKit and move it at the top by clicking on the Move Up button.

  • Click on Apply and then Ok.
  • Now open Konqueror and open any website you want. It will use WebKit by default.

August 11th, 2010 Written by Ricky    

Go there...
