Don's Pages and my Music

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Homemade 1"x42" belt sander build (strip sander) - Building the 1"x42" Belt Sander by Matthias Wandel on YouTube

This is a great How To Video. On, "Building a 1"x42" belt sander out of wood, using wheels and bearings from inline roller skates". By Matthias Wandel on YouTube. I can't believe how quick and easily, he designs, makes and puts his Projects Together. It's great to see. He, routinely uses, some great and easy tricks. While building his projects. Watch his methods, carefully. I'm 60 years old and have worked with Wood and Metal, on and off. For most of my life. And I learn new tricks, in every one of his Videos. Check out the Relates links too..


Building the 1"x42" belt sander

Video link...

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