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Monday, March 14, 2011

Distribution Release: Fusion Linux 14 ( News)

2011-03-10 Distribution Release: Fusion Linux 14
Valent Turkovic has announced the release of Fusion Linux 14, a Fedora-based live DVD with extra software and improved out-of-the-box usability: "Fusion Linux 14 'Thorium' is officially out. This release has been in the making for the last 5 months. Work on this release started even before Fedora 14 got released, which is the base for Fusion Linux 14. We had a lot of features, desktop components and overall polish to tie together into one coherent whole before making this release. Features and highlights: a brand new custom-made theme; post install welcome wizard script; Skype removed so Fusion Linux can be freely redistributed; multimedia support (Flash, MP3 and DivX playback); better hardware compatibility for Broadcom wireless cards; mintMenu; DockbarX; GNOME Do; Compiz Fusion." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download: Fusion-Linux-14.iso (1,708MB, MD5, torrent).

Recent Related News
 • 2011-03-10: Distribution Release: Fusion Linux 14
 • 2010-11-10: Development Release: Fusion Linux 14 RC

 • More Fusion news...


I tried out Fusion a few months ago and I really liked the Apps they added to Fedora 14. And you can watch Web Videos and listen to music right out of the box. No need to mess around with manually installing Java and Flash. It's a great live CD - DVD and you can install it to your HD if you want too. I've been watching their progress on their Google Group and am glad to see that the final release is out!:)


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