Don's Pages and my Music

Friday, October 1, 2010 is a Linux live distribution: "boot 'n play". The idea is for you to be able to carry a decent amount of high-quality Linux games with you where ever you go for purposes of demonstration, gaming or parties. Your computer will remain completely unchanged as everything will run live.

See here for a list of included games.
You can boot this distribution from a CD, DVD or USB flash drive.

  • 2010-06-08: version 0.9.6 of released!

Screenshots First screenshot shows boot menu, second one shows booted up live desktop.

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Hardware requirements Your PC must at least meet these requirements:
  • intel x86-compatible architecture
  • 512 MB ram
  • videocard with 3d acceleration
This distribution has been tested on a wide variety of systems. There is a good chance it will run well on your computer.

  • top free native linux games
  • high performance video card drivers
    • properitery nvidia drivers
    • properitary ati driver
  • open source drivers with 3d acceleration for many other video cards
  • harddisk is not touched
  • network booting and hosting support
  • nothing needs to be configured, everything is done automatically
  • basic applications like IRC chat (xchat), web browser (arora) and voice chat (mumble)
  • FREE

Go there...

Info about releases There are two editions: a big one and a lite. The differences between these are as follows:
  • The big edition contains the full games selection. This includes games unsuitable for children or games requiring more powerful hardware. It will fit onto a DVD or USB flash drive (min. 5GB capacity).
  • The lite edition contains a smaller games selection. It only has games suitable for children and games that run even on older hardware. It will fit onto a CD or USB flash drive (min. 1GB capacity).
All of the games listed below are ready to launch once you boot the distribution.

Games included in current version Games only available on the big edition are underlined. Go there...


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