Don's Pages and my Music

Monday, October 18, 2010

Interested in free video formats? We need your help! — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software

Interested in free video formats? We need your help!

Posted by John Sullivan at September 29, 2010 18:12 |

We're looking for a few volunteers willing to commit an average of a few hours per week as reliable technical consultants helping people transcode their videos to free formats like WebM and Ogg Theora.

In particular, we want to provide this assistance for people who record videos of Richard Stallman's speeches around the world, and other FSF events.

Logistically, it involves being subscribed to our low-traffic GNU audio-video team mailing list ( and responding to the questions and problem reports sent to the list by people making the videos. In the remaining time, you could assist with the written documentation we are working on to help guide people through the video production process.

If you're familiar with free software video tools and formats, it's a great opportunity to help make sure videos about free software are available in high-quality free formats, and to help spread the use of those formats by teaching new people how to use them!

You don't need to be an expert; if you can answer the question "How do I convert my video to WebM right now?" then you have something to contribute. Email us at with your contact info and a little about your related experience. Thanks!

The FSF is a charity with a worldwide mission to advance software freedom — learn about our history and work.

The FSF also has sister organizations in France, Latin America, Europe and India.

Go there...

I can do ogg audio and video. Need to learn WebM next...


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