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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How do I get all the latest stuff for Fedora using yum? - Fedora Yum Repositories list

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How do I get all the latest stuff for Fedora using yum?

This page lists the yum repository settings (configuration files) for my current Fedora 12 (Constantine) installs (x86_64 boxes). It assumes you already have yum installed.

I don't recommend one use apt or up2date for Fedora any more. If you're looking for my old FC3 page for some reason, I've renamed it.

Please send updates/corrections to Last updated: $Date: 2010/01/31 01:39:43 $.

Contents: Yum setup - General help

The yum repositories

Yum is shipped with Fedora, so you will probably be using this by default.

curl "" | rpm --import --verbose - rpm -ivh rpm -ivh  

Then try installing some software that's not in the default Fedora repos. Like vlc.

In addition to one/both of those two, you may want Google & Skype:

cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo < /etc/yum.repos.d/skype.repo <

And if you want to read encrypted DVDs:

rpm -ivh 

I appreciate updates/corrections to this section sent to

What does all this stuff mean?

Yum is a package dependency mangement tool that can help you stay up to date with the latest published Fedora software. You can learn more about yum at Yum's site. Apt is another package manager. You can learn more about apt for RPM-based systems at

To learn more about Fedora, refer to The main Fedora web page.

Some people may have issues because they don't have the right GPG key -- if you see yum or up2date complaining about "bad GPG key", import the right ones with these commands:

rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-*/*GPG-KEY* rpm --import rpm --import 
This is mainly an issue if you are upgrading to Fedora from one of the Fedora test releases.


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$Revision: 1.39 $ (c) Copyright 2003-2010. This page is NOT affiliated with the Fedora project or Red Hat, Inc. The design of this page was based on HTML, CSS, and images from that are used without permission (but with the hope that the flattery of imitation and the balm of attribution will be enough thanks to the people responsible for this design: the webmaster(s) at and the people at Fedora artwork).

Please note I am not affiliated with the repository providers, am not responsible for their content, and do not endorse what is provided by them. This information is for educational use only and you may not use this site if you do not agree to these terms. I administer as my personal home page with my other projects.

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