Don's Pages and my Music

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dazzling coat sure to be in demand with pimps everywhere - Hack a Day

Dazzling coat sure to be in demand with pimps everywhere

posted Sep 30th 2010 6:15am by Mike Szczys
filed under: led hacks, wearable hacks

This is the newest addition to [Arren Parker's] Burning Man wardrobe. The full-length lighted faux-fur coats is completely his creation. He started with a pattern that he acquired from Ebay, adding side pockets and changing the hood to a collar. From there he added the 256 RGB LEDs that make it shimmer so appealingly.

For this to work, he designed and ordered 300 tiny PCBs on which a connector socket and the LED are soldered. These are driven by a set of six TLC5940 pulse-width modulation chips, and ultimately by an Arduino. The effect is spectacular (see for yourself after the break), and we’re sure it’ll be a hit at burning man.

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