Don's Pages and my Music

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Club Dr-DOS Wiki | Main / Home Page


Dr-DOS-Wiki, also known as Club Dr-DOS, is a Wiki split into two parts. One part is about Dr-DOS, Novell DOS and Enhanced Dr-DOS. The other is about DOS software and other DOS and MS-DOS compatible operating systems like FreeDOS. You are able to edit and enhance most of the pages, so just do it. ;-)

  • Sandbox to test editing and markup…

Key Features of DOS

Modern DOS systems like Enhanced Dr-DOS and FreeDOS have much more features than old MS-DOS - so forget about old days of MS-DOS. ;-) DOS is the only family of operating system which can play your mp3s, check your e-mails or browse the internet and only needs ~20 MB RAM and 0.1GB of hard disk. You can f.e. start a mp3 player one second after BIOS check (Mpxplay). Linux tools can be easily ported like Mplayer. Some Windows software are able to run in DOS using HX DOS Extender. With 4DOS a command line exists which is much better than Windows CMD or Bash. And most software is under an open source license (f.e. FreeDOS under GPL).

Hot news

Wiki pages

These are the front-pages of Club Dr-DOS’s two parts - there you get a list of all 93 pages!


Main / | 4DOS | About Dr-DOS | AntiVirus | Archive | Autoexecbat | Blog | Breadbox Ensemble | Browsers/E-Mail-Clients | Commands of DOS | Compatibility | Compress | Datalight DOS | DOS config file: DCONFIG.SYS / FDCONFIG.SYS | Devel Asm | Devel Cpp | Devel Cpp Beginners | Devel Libs | Development | Devel Sound | DJGPP | Download & Installation | Download & Installation | Installation via FreeDOS or other DOS | DPMI | DPMS | DR-DOS-utils | Drivers | Text editors | ERTOS | FAQ | FAT | FAT+ | File Managers | File Wizard | Forum | Free DOS | Gall-DEFRAG | Gall-DESI | Gall-DRDOS | Gallery of screenshots of DOS editors | Gallery of screenshots of F-PROT antivirus program | Gallery of screenshots of DOS games | Gallery-of-NDN | Gall-VGAP | Gallery of DOS web browsers | Gallery of compressors | Gallery of DOS GUI’s | Gallery | Gallery of DOS Mediaplayers | GNUDOS | GraphMediaTech | Graphic programs | Group Atributes | Grub4dos | Hard Disks | Hardware | History | Hot News | HX-DOS Extender | HX-DOS Extender - compatibility and wish lists | IS Remote | JEMM - wish lists | Kernels of DOS | Keyboard and Mouse | LaTeX | LFN | Links | Links Pending for Approval | Mediaplayers | Memory Managers | Key DOS Features - or why DOS? | Mplayer | MS-DOS | Multi DOS | Network in DOS | Novell-Netware | File System Drivers in DOS | NX-DOS | Octave | Open DOS | Packet drivers | Disk Partitioning, Erasing & Multiboot | Requirements | RxDOS | Servers | Sound Card Chip | Triple DOS | Unstable Free DOS Kernel Branch | USB in DOS | Video


Download & installation

DOS under Linux

If you want also to use Dr-DOS or FreeDOS under Linux you have to install DOSEMU.

Linux under DOS

It is possible to run Linux from DOS.

Page last modified on October 06, 2009, at 10:34 PM

Go there...


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