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Monday, July 12, 2010

Linux Force fsck on the Next Reboot or Boot Sequence

Linux Force fsck on the Next Reboot or Boot Sequence

by Vivek Gite

Q. I want to force fsck on the next reboot? How do I force fsck? Is there any configuration file that I need to alter for this purpose.

A. fsck is used to check and optionally repair one or more Linux file systems. You don't have to create or alter/modify any file. All you need to do is just create empty file /forcefsck.

Force fsck on boot using /forcefsck

By creating /forcefsck file you will force the Linux system (or rc scripts) to perform a full file system check.

Login as the root:
$ su -
Change directory to root (/) directory:
# cd /
Create a file called forcefsck:
# touch /forcefsck
Now reboot the system:
# reboot

Frce fsck on next boot using shutdown command

The -F option force fsck on reboot, login as root and type the following command to reboot and run fsck:
# shutdown -rF now

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