Don's Pages and my Music

Monday, March 22, 2010

Google stops censoring in China, creates "China dashboard"

Google stops censoring in China, creates "China dashboard"

That's it; the deed is done -- Google stopped censoring results for China. As of this morning, users trying to access are redirected to, where Google provides uncensored search results.

They use geolocation to figure out when a connection is from the mainland, and provide results in simplified Chinese. Users connecting from Hong Kong will keep getting results in traditional Chinese.

Google will still maintain R&D and Sales presence in China, but the size of the sales team will "be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access".

They have also created a new dashboard page, where the whole world (or human rights activists) can see at a glance which Google services are being blocked by China at any given day. Gutsy indeed.

I don't know about you guys, but this move wins Google major points in my mind. I am all for free speech, and I think it's rare for a company to put its money where its mouth is. Kudos.

Go there...


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