Don's Pages and my Music

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Don's News and Weather Events Playlist - YouTube

I've added some videos, on Hurricane Harvey, to his Playlist...


Don's News and Weather Events Playlist - YouTube Videos...

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Energia is the TI Texas Instruments version of the Arduino App

Today, (08-16-17) I noticed. That, on my Fedora 23 Lenovo i5 System. I have a Desktop icon. Pointing to, "/home/don/Downloads/TI - Texas Instruments Software and Design Files Gerber etc/energia-1.6.10E18/energia". But, that folder has been deleted. I do have it on my Senate USB Backup Drive. I can run, the energia file and it will run in portable mode. It also has an file too. I decided to copy the energia-1.6.10E18 to my /home/don/ folder and run it from there. I also noticed. There is an .energia15 folder and an Energia Folder in /home/don/ as well. I found it by searching for energia, in my Applications, with XFCE App Finder. But, it is named Arduino and has it's icon. Now, I remember... That, Energia, is the TI - Texas Instruments version of the Arduino App...

See the Screen Shots...
